We have had continued success with our professional development events, with F.I.T and The Anatomy of an Investigation. The presentations from the Anatomy of an Investigation were recorded for the purpose of being available for distribution. Further information regarding these materials will be provided on the website in the near future. Professional development and collaborative events / networking will continue to be key focal points of the CPIO in 2019.
The Council of Professional Investigators of Ontario is proactively promoting the association and its membership through sponsorship and participation in complimentary industry events such as those hosted by the OIAA, CASIU, and various legal/law associations. All agency members will be able to have their promotional/marketing materials made available at any events attended by the CPIO. In promoting members of the CPIO, development of a directory of agency members has been completed and should be published by late Summer 2019.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our administrator – Penny Hill for all of her hard work and the Board of Directors for their commitment and volunteering their time.